For our services, we are able to resort from a wide range of methods and survey equipment that can be applied in different fields of knowledge such as, biology, biotechnology, oceanography, hydrography, archaeology, fisheries and tourism.

  • Structural ecosystem surveys

    For example, the characterisation of benthic communities (seaweed, macrofauna, fish) using Visual/Video Census

  • Functional ecosystem surveys

    For example, metabolic experiments for quantifying the respiration of seaweed communities

    Functional ecosystem surveys

  • Manipulative Experiments

    For example, removal/exclusion experiments

  • Biological and non-biological samples collection

    Biological and non-biological samples collection

  • Image collection (Video and Photography)

  • 3D Mapping (high precision photogrammetric measurements)

    3D image of reef

    3D Mapping (high precision photogrammetric measurements)

  • Seaweed reforestation

Survey equipment we use include: 

Multi-parametric CTD, underwater deployable light sensors, current velocity sensors and temperature sensors, water and plankton sampling devices, underwater hydrophone, van Veen sediment grabs, dissolved Oxygen sensors, remote underwater video devices, light traps, metabolic benthic chambers, etc.